Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 16

Locks of Love

So very proud of this girl today!  We went to get our regular trims this afternoon, but when it was Avery's turn she asked Rhonda (the lady who does our hair) how long her hair would need to be to give to Lock of Love.  She needed to have 10 inches, so they measured her hair and sure enough that was exactly what Avery had.  When Rhonda asked her if that was what she wanted to do, Avery said Yes!  I had no idea that was her plan for her haircut.  I am so thankful for the compassion she has for others!!


  1. What a caring little girl; you have done a good job!

  2. Wow!!! That is so awesome of Avery. You must be one proud mama.

  3. That's great! I'm cutting my hair super short soon too, but unfortunately it won't be enough to donate :(

  4. What a special little girl, and I love her new little bob.

  5. Such a sweet girl, I'm sure you're a proud mama! I love her new cute do! =)
